We’d like to wish you and your loved ones the very best as we all navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. While these times are indeed turbulent and uncertain, the best medical experts and leaders in the U.S. and abroad are reminding us that we CAN get through this…TOGETHER… each doing our part.
The CDC, local health departments, and other agencies are providing many helpful tips and directives for protecting ourselves and others – from frequent hand washing to “social distancing” to formal shelter-in-place orders.
This is also a perfect time to do all we can to STRENGTHEN OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS. You’ve likely seen articles highlighting common ways to do this… Eating nutritious meals. Exercising. Getting quality sleep. Managing stress and anxiety. Taking immune-boosting supplements (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin D, probiotics, echinacea/goldenseal, zinc, elderberry syrup or extract). Etc.
We’d like to encourage you to consider an additional step…
By EMF pollution, we mean the artificial electromagnetic fields/radiation (EMF/EMR) from wireless technologies, electronics, modern appliances, energy-efficient lights, and more. You can’t see or smell this type of pollution, but these days, it’s all around us nearly all of the time.
Below are some basic tips for reducing your exposure to EMF pollution. Some of these tips may be easy to implement now. Others may need to wait until materials or professional help become easier to access again.
While this list is far from exhaustive, hopefully it will give you ideas for getting started or continuing your journey.
Radio Frequency (RF) / Microwave Radiation From wireless devices and infrastructure such as cell phones/towers, cordless phones, laptops, tablets, WiFi, smart watches, smart utility meters, radar, etc.
Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields From power lines, electrical wiring in buildings, power cords, and devices that run on electricity
Dirty Electricity From modern electronics, appliances, energy-efficient lights, etc. that must change or manipulate standard electricity in one way or another to operate (Includes many devices today.)
When we sleep, our bodies are busy growing and repairing cells. This is essential for good health, especially now, when we want our bodies strong and ready to “battle” infection if necessary. Because EMF pollution can interfere with sound sleep, it’s important to reduce sources in your sleep space. Following are some specific ideas for how to do this.
If you use WiFi (wireless Internet) in your home, turn OFF and/or unplug your router at night. All wireless devices emit RF/microwave radiation. (Those that run on electricity, like WiFi routers, are also sources of dirty electricity and/or power frequency fields.)
Turn OFF your cell phone while sleeping or put it in airplane mode. (If you put the phone in airplane mode, make sure WiFi, Bluetooth, and other wireless features on the device are also turned off.)
Do NOT charge your cell phone on your bedside table (or in your bedroom at all) while sleeping, even if it’s in airplane mode. Battery chargers create and emit dirty electricity, another source of potentially harmful EMF pollution.
Turn OFF all other wireless devices in your home before bedtime. These might include laptops, tablets, gaming consoles, cordless phone base stations, etc. (If you’re concerned you’ll miss urgent phone calls while sleeping, maintain a corded landline phone for this purpose.)
Take off smart watches and other wearable technologies before bedtime and store them in a metal container or disable their wireless features. (As a side note, we recommend against wearing wireless watches at all. They emit radiation directly onto your body at very close range. This is not good during the day or at night.)
Remove AC powered clocks and other electrical devices from your beside table. They can be sources of electric and magnetic fields, as well as dirty electricity. Use a battery-powered alarm clock or a phone in airplane mode (not charging) to wake you up if needed.
If you have a lamp next to your bed, plug it into an “OUTLET POWER SWITCH” rather than directly into an electrical outlet. Turn the lamp on and off using the outlet power switch rather than the on/off switch on the lamp. This will help prevent electric fields and dirty electricity from traveling up and radiating off the lamp’s power cord when the lamp is off. (Outlet power switches are available in manual and remote control models. Check out these examples: Remote Control Power Switch and Manual Power Switch.)
Replace electric blankets with one or more warm non-electric blankets or comforters.
If your bed or bed frame plugs into an electrical outlet, unplug it before going to sleep. (When shopping for a new bed, seriously consider getting one that doesn’t require AC power and avoid metal bed frames.)
Do NOT use a wireless baby monitor. These monitors expose your child to harmful RF/microwave radiation. Explore wired options or rely on the “old fashioned” method (i.e., having your child sleep in a nearby room). Trust that you’ll hear your little one(s) if they really need you.
Stop using screens (e.g., TV’s, computers, tablets, cell phones) at least one hour before bedtime. The blue light from screens can interfere with the production and release of melatonin, a hormone important to sleep and also a potent antioxidant. When you do use screens at night (or anytime really), consider using BLUE LIGHT GLASSES to help prevent the damaging effects of blue light.
Consider turning OFF the electrical circuits that affect your sleeping area. There is a process you can go through yourself or with the help of an EMF consultant to determine which combination of circuits will produce the best results. Before going to sleep, you can turn the designated circuits off manually at the circuit breaker panel. Or, you can have a remote cutoff switch installed, which will enable you to turn the circuits off and back on with the simple click of a button. NOTE: Once a circuit is turned off, no dirty electricity or power frequency electric fields will radiate from the circuit’s supply wire.
As much as possible, use wired connections rather than wireless connections for your Internet, telephone, and other needs. FOR EXAMPLE….
Use WIRED INTERNET rather than WiFi.
This means connecting your computer(s) to your Internet modem/router via ethernet cable(s) rather than wirelessly. When doing this, it is best to use shielded Ethernet cables with grounded Ethernet adapters. For more detailed information about hardwired Internet options, check out “Safer Use of Computers”by building biologist, Oram Miller.
If you do opt to use a wireless Internet (WiFi) system…
Keep the WiFi modem/router in a location that is as far from you and others in your home as possible.
Consider shielding the modem/router. Shields such as the Signal Tamer and WaveCage reduce the strength of radiation emitted by a WiFi modem/router while still allowing it to function.
Turn OFF the WiFi on your computer or laptop when you are not using the Internet.
Disable the WiFi on your modem/router when you are not using the Internet. Or better yet, unplug the modem/router entirely. This is particularly important when you sleep.
Use WIRED COMPUTER PERIPHERALS (e.g., keyboard, mouse, speakers) rather than wireless models.
Then make sure to turn OFF the Bluetooth on your computer.
Connect your printer to your computer using a USB PRINTER CABLE.
Then make sure to turn OFF the Wifi on your printer.
Use this type of phone rather than a cell phone or cordless phone as much as possible. You can forward your cell phone number to your landline to ensure you don’t miss calls. (When choosing a corded landline phone, it is best to select a model that does not require AC power to operate. It is also a good idea to use the phone’s speaker function or an air tube headset when on calls.)
When you do need to use your cell phone…
Text rather than talk whenever possible.
Create distance between yourself and your cell phone when talking, by using an AIR TUBE HEADSET/EARBUDS or the phone’s speaker function. The goal is to keep your cell phone away from your head and body. The farther the better! (You may need a headphone jack adapter to be able to plug an air tube headset or earbuds into your phone, for example: a lightning to headphone jack adapterfor iPhones.)
Avoid using wireless headsets or earpieces. They emit electromagnetic radiation directly into your head.
Keep your phone in airplane mode when you are not actively using it.
Do NOT carry your cell phone in your pocket, bra, sock, or anywhere else on your body.
When using your cell phone (or tablet) to watch movies, read books, listen to music, etc. download the content when possible and then watch, read, or listen to it with your phone in airplane mode. Make sure WiFi, Bluetooth, and other wireless features are turned OFF as well.
Smart utility (e.g., electric, water) meters emit RF/microwave radiation and some models also generate dirty electricity. If you have a smart utility meter on your house, contact your utility company to see if you can have it replaced with an ANALOG meter or a digital meter that does NOT transmit data from your meter back to your utility company wirelessly. (An analog meter is the best option!)
If you cannot have your smart meter replaced, there are ways to shield the radiation emitted by the meter. This is especially important to consider if your meter is located directly outside a bedroom or another room where you or others spend a lot of time.
NEC code-violating wiring errors in homes and other buildings (e.g., improper neutral-to-neutral and neutral-to-ground connections) can cause large magnetic fields. If these errors exist in your home, they should be fixed, especially if the magnetic fields they create affect rooms where you and family members spend significant time. The process of identifying, tracing, and fixing these wiring errors typically requires the help of an EMF specialist and licensed electrician. More details on this are beyond the scope of this article, but will be covered in an upcoming blog. (Two very good resources on this topic are the book Tracing EMFs in Building Wiring and Grounding and the video Tracing Magnetic Fields, both by Karl Riley.)
Dirtyelectricity is created by electronics, energy-efficient lights, and many modern appliances and other electrical devices that must change or manipulate electricity in one way or another to operate. Once created, dirty electricity spreads. Some radiates directly off devices into the air. Even more travels throughout a building via the wiring in walls and ceilings and sometimes under floors. It also moves up and down power cords that are plugged into electrical outlets. As it flows along wires and cords, dirty electricity emits potentially harmful EMFs into rooms and other spaces where people spend time. Dirty electricity can also travel from building to building via power lines and other means.
There are two MAIN strategies for reducing dirty electricity in homes and other buildings – 1) Eliminate or reduce sources of dirty electricity in your environment and 2) Install dirty electricity filters. These strategies are typically used together to achieve the best results.
Here are few examples of ways to do this.
Replace energy-efficient light bulbs (e.g., compact fluorescent light bulbs, low voltage halogen bulbs) with traditional incandescent bulbs or halogen incandescent bulbs (i.e., 120 Volt halogen bulbs). These types of light bulbs won’t generate dirty electricity. [Some LED bulbs are okay as well, but some are not. If you purchase LED bulbs, make sure they are line voltage LEDs that run on 120 Volts, which is the voltage of conventional AC electricity.]
Turn off and unplug electronics and other electrical devices when you are not using them. Good examples include computers, printers, TVs, video game systems, WiFi routers, battery chargers, etc.
Replace light dimmer switches with regular ON/OFF switches.
Use your laptop in battery mode whenever possible. If you use the laptop while it’s plugged into an AC power source, make sure to ground the laptop. For more information about how to do this, read “Safer Use of Computers”by building biologist, Oram Miller.
When buying new appliances and equipment (e.g., HVAC equipment, washing machines, pool pumps), avoid models with variable speed motors.
These filters target the dirty electricity flowing along the wiring in buildings. The less dirty electricity there is on building wires, the less that will radiate into rooms and other spaces where people spend time. The Greenwave filters shown below are easy to use. You plug them into electrical outlets to reduce the dirty electricity present on nearby wiring.
You can measure the effectiveness of dirty electricity filters with a plug-in EMI meter. This type of meter can also be used to identify dirty electricity sources and to guide the installation of dirty electricity filters for optimal results. It can help you identify the best number of the filters to install in each room and the best combination of outlets to choose for installation.
By now you may have questions. That’s great. We love questions. Please feel free to visit our website or contact us at [email protected] or 800-506-6098 for more information.
We encourage you to pass these recommendations along to family, friends, and others.There is nothing more important right now (and always) than our health and loved ones!
Over the past two decades, the prevalence of electronics and “green” technologies in homes and other settings has skyrocketed. Americans have purchased more than a billion new electronic and energy-efficient devices, such as smart phones, computers, laptops, tablets, game consoles, big screen TVs, cordless phones, compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs, and a new generation of smart appliances.
When plugged-in and operating (or charging), these and many other modern electrical devices produce DIRTY ELECTRICITY, also known as electrical noise, line noise, power line EMI (electromagnetic interference), and microsurge electrical pollution. A growing body of scientific research suggests that dirty electricity and other types of EMF pollution may be detrimental to our health!
What Is Dirty Electricity?
Dirty electricity is a popular term used to describe surges and spikes of electromagnetic energy that travel along power lines and building wiring where only “clean” AC electricity should be. This type of EMF pollution is created by many electronics, appliances, energy-efficient lights, and other devices that run on electricity. It has increased dramatically in homes and other settings in recent years. Why? Because many modern devices no longer use conventional AC electricity “as is.” Instead, they must change or manipulate electrical voltage or current in one way or another to operate.
Many electronics, for example, must convert standard 60 Hertz, 120 Volt AC electricity (alternating current) to lower voltage DC electricity (direct current) to run. This conversion process, and others like it, create surges and spikes of energy known as harmonics and voltage transients. Once created, this “dirty electricity” can spread throughout a building and even to other buildings via wiring and power lines, radiating potentially harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) into living and work spaces.
Common sources of dirty electricity include computers, printers, TVs, gaming systems, WiFi modems/routers, modern appliances, battery chargers, CFLs, LED lightbulbs, light dimmer switches, energy-efficient appliances, solar power systems, and much more.
Stress Connection
It has long been accepted that mental and emotion stress from financial worries, pressures at work, relationship struggles, etc., can lead to biological changes in our bodies and a host of unpleasant physical symptoms, such as inflammation, weakened immunity, brain fog, headaches, fatigue, and even chronic diseases. Now, scientific studies suggest that these and other stress symptoms may also result from exposure to environmental factors, including chemicals, pesticides, and even electromagnetic radiation (EMR). But how can electromagnetic energy affect our health?
We are Electrical Creatures
Humans are highly electrical creatures. For example, the health of our hearts and brains is measured by their electrical activity using EKGs and EEGs. Every cell in our body carries an electrical charge. Our central nervous system and autonomic nervous system both utilize electrical signaling to transmit critical biological messages. In fact, the sophisticated communications of our nervous system act very much like a human Internet.
So what happens when we are exposed to dirty electricity? Scientists believe this chaotic electrical energy can couple to our bodies and create biological harm. For example, the artificial electromagnetic fields from dirty electricity and other EMF pollution may interfere with the natural “electrical” communication in our bodies, interrupting essential biological functions and triggering a variety of adverse health symptoms and more serious problems over time.
Research shows that exposure to dirty electricity can lead to inflammation, headaches, lack of focus, irritability, and anxiety. It has also been linked to ADHD, behavioral problems, joint pain, poor sleep, fatigue, and low energy. Studies also point to possible connections between dirty electricity and multiple cancers. For example, at one Southern California school, where there was a suspected cancer cluster among teachers, scientists showed a statistically significant link to dirty electricity for several cancers. Teachers at the school experienced malignant melanoma, thyroid cancer, and uterine cancer at 9.8 times, 13 times, and 9.2 times the expected rates respectively (Sam Milham and Lloyd Morgan).
Studies at several other schools showed improved attention, focus, participation, and behavior after steps were taken to reduce high levels of dirty electricity at the facilities (Magda Havas).
So what are some solutions for reducing your exposure to potentially unhealthy dirty electricity (EMI)?
One strategy is to remove devices and types of lighting known to create high levels of dirty electricity (EMI). For example, energy-efficient lights, dimmer switches, and devices with AC adapters or switch mode power supplies are common sources of dirty electricity in most homes. Replacing compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) with old-style incandescent bulbs or 120 Volt (V) halogen bulbs can be one path toward calming your electrical environment. Similarly, changing dimmer switches to regular ON/OFF switches can have the same effect.
Eliminating all devices with AC adapters or switch mode power supplies may be much more challenging because so many electronics and other devices we use today include these transformers. The good news is there are also filters you can install in outlets and/or at your electrical panel to significantly reduce the level of dirty electricity present on your wiring. The idea is simple. The less dirty electricity there is flowing along building wires, the less that will radiate into your environment.
The GREENWAVE FILTERS featured in the video below are easy to use. Simply plug them into electrical outlets for immediate results. The filters are UL certified for electrical safety and also RoHS compliant. RoHS regulations limit or ban the use of specific hazardous materials (e.g., lead, mercury, cadmium, phthalates, etc.) in electronics and other electrical devices. The effectiveness of Greenwave filters can be measured with a plug-in EMI meter (a.k.a. line noise meter, microsurge meter). This type of meter is also helpful for guiding the installation of dirty electricity filters for best results.
It is amazing to think that by calming your electrical environment, you can create a calmer, healthier living environment. But, when you think about how critical internal electrical activity is to our bodies and health, it is not much of a stretch to imagine how removing chaotic electrical energy from your surroundings can create a calming effect and possibly more. Consider taking steps today to clean up your electrical environment!
Lower Your Exposure to EMF PollutionWe’d like to wish you and your loved ones the very best as we all navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. While these times are indeed turbulent and uncertain, the best medical experts and leaders in the U.S. and...
Over the past two decades, the prevalence of electronics and "green" technologies in homes and other settings has skyrocketed. Americans have purchased more than a billion new electronic and energy-efficient devices, such as smart phones, computers, laptops, tablets,...
Richard Lear, founder of Greenwave International, discusses the emerging health crisis in the developed world today and why people are not paying attention to the reasons to the environmental causes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjGhir1kAjc
There are 4 types of man-made EMF pollution common in homes and other settings today.
Wireless Radiation
Dirty Electricity
AC Electric Fields (ELF)
AC Magnetic Fields (ELF)
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filter
Greenwave filters target the DIRTY ELECTRICITY traveling along building wiring in homes and other settings.
They do NOT get rid of ambient wireless radiation (i.e., from wireless devices and infrastructure). Nor do they eliminate the extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields associated with “clean” 50/60 Hz AC electricity. These types of EMF pollution require different mitigation strategies.
What Is Dirty Electricity?
Dirty electricity refers to surges and spikes of electromagnetic energy traveling along power lines and building wires where only standard (“clean”) AC electricity should be. This type of EMF pollution is also known as dirty power, electrical noise, line noise, and power line EMI (electromagnetic interference).
Dirty electricity is created by consumer electronics, modern appliances, energy-efficient lights, and quite a few other items that run on electricity. Why? Because many of these devices no longer use standard AC electricity “as is.” Instead, they must change or “manipulate” electrical current in one way or another in order to operate.
For example, many electrical devices today must convert standard 60 Hertz, 120 Volt (or 50 Hertz, 220-240 Volt) AC electricity (alternating current) into other forms of electricity [such as lower voltage direct current (DC) or higher frequency AC] in order to operate. And, many devices now draw power intermittently, in short bursts, rather than continuously, by turning the flow of power to a device “on” and “off” repeatedly, sometimes thousands of times per second.
These processes interrupt the smooth flow of standard AC electricity, creating harmonics and spikes of electrical energy known as voltage transients. Once created, this unusable “dirty electricity” can spread throughout a building and to other buildings via wiring, power lines, and other means. As it travels, dirty electricity radiates potentially harmful electromagnetic fields into environments where people live, learn, work, and more.
Dirty electricity shown (in pink) on an oscilloscope.
How Do I Know If I Have Dirty Electricity in My Home and Other Places?
These days, most homes and other buildings have at least some dirty electricity and many have a lot. Some of this dirty electricity comes from outside sources (e.g., nearby buildings) via power lines. The rest is generated by the electronics and other electrical devices used inside. Fortunately, there are tools you can use to determine how much dirty electricity is traveling along the wires in your home and other buildings.
The most precise way to measure and evaluate specific characteristics of the dirty electricity on power lines and building wires is to use an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. Unfortunately, these devices can be expensive and require expertise and experience to use effectively.
Greenwave Broadband EMI Meter (By Greenwave International)
Plug-in EMI meters (also known as line noise meters or microsurge meters) are a good alternative for untrained individuals. These meters are cost effective and easy to use. Simply plug them into electrical outlets to get a good estimate of the level of dirty electricity present on nearby wiring.
In addition to helping you determine how much dirty electricity is traveling along your wires, a plug-in EMI meter can also be very helpful in guiding the installation of dirty electricity filters and for evaluating their effectiveness.
Meters used for measuring other types of EMF pollution (i.e., RF meters for wireless radiation, AC electric field meters, and gaussmeters for AC magnetic fields) are often not effective for measuring dirty electricity for a variety of reasons. For example:
Many of these meters are not sensitive enough to pick up ambient levels of dirty electricity radiation considered unsafe by experts.
The frequency range covered by many of these meters does not include some or all dirty electricity frequencies.
Many AC electric and magnetic field meters don’t have the ability to distinguish between dirty electricity frequencies and the extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields associated with standard (“clean”) AC electricity. The professional meters that do have this capability are quite expensive.
What Can I Do About Dirty Electricity?
It is a good idea to reduce dirty electricity in your home and the other places where you spend ample time. Why? Because dirty electricity can interfere with the proper functioning of appliances and electronic equipment, and more importantly, with natural electrical processes within our bodies. Exposure to this type of EMF pollution has been associated with a wide variety of health problems such as cancer, asthma, sleep disturbances, fatigue, skin rashes and tingling sensations, allergy symptoms, headaches, muscle and joint pain, brain fog, memory loss, ADHD symptoms, depression, and more. Experts believe it is the complex nature of dirty electricity frequencies (i.e., their distorted wave forms) that make them particularly detrimental to health and aggravating to those sensitive to EMF pollution.
Here are a few examples of ways to reduce dirty electricity in your home and other spaces.
Limit your use of devices known to create dirty electricity.
Turn off and unplug electronic devices and other electrical devices when they are not being used.
Use standard incandescent light bulbs or 120 Volt (V) halogen bulbs rather than compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs.
Replace light dimmer switches with regular on/off switches
Install Greenwave filters in electrical outlets.
Greenwave filters utilize state-of-the-art electromagnetic interference (EMI) filtering technology to significantly reduce the dirty electricity (i.e., harmonics and voltage transients) present on the wiring on buildings. This is a direct, effective, and practical way to target this type of EMF pollution. The less dirty electricity there is flowing along building wires, the less that will radiate into your environment.
The filters plug directly into electrical outlets and power strips. They “short out” (shunt) surges/spikes of electrical energy (i.e., dirty electricity), while allowing standard 50/60 Hz AC electricity to pass through unimpeded.
Lower Your Exposure to EMF PollutionWe’d like to wish you and your loved ones the very best as we all navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. While these times are indeed turbulent and uncertain, the best medical experts and leaders in the U.S. and...
Over the past two decades, the prevalence of electronics and "green" technologies in homes and other settings has skyrocketed. Americans have purchased more than a billion new electronic and energy-efficient devices, such as smart phones, computers, laptops, tablets,...
Richard Lear, founder of Greenwave International, discusses the emerging health crisis in the developed world today and why people are not paying attention to the reasons to the environmental causes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjGhir1kAjc